Badminton Court Size and Dimensions For Official Play

Badminton is an exhilarating sport where technique and skill play a decisive role. A shuttle traveling at speeds up to 400kph requires a detailed knowledge of court dimensions in order to avoid physical damage to players or court surfaces.

This court measures 13.4 meters long by 6.1 meters wide with nets that measure 1.55 meters (5 feet 1 inch) at each corner and 1.524 meters (5 feet) in the center, along with multiple lines marking legal boundaries to define playing areas.


International Badminton Federation (IBF) sets the length of a badminton court. Nets used in badminton measure 1.55 meters (5 feet 1 inch) at its edges and 1.524 meters (5.00 feet). Poles that support these nets are placed over both single sidelines regardless of whether singles or doubles is being played.

Badminton is an exciting, fast-paced game that requires physical fitness and agility to play successfully. Badminton courts typically exist within multi-use sports halls and must be free from hazards that could endanger player safety, such as artificial grass or concrete surfaces that might cause injuries.

No matter the surface of the court, lines delineating its boundaries can come in various colors depending on its surface; however, they should always be visible and easily understood by all players. It is especially crucial that back boundary of court be marked clearly since this determines how far players can move behind the net during matches.

A standard badminton court measures 20 feet by 44 feet and is often marked for both singles and doubles play. It usually features the long service line for singles play as well as six feet 6 inch short service line, both positioned directly off of the center line. A center line divides up the court into left and right service areas that are usually painted white to distinguish it from the net.

The shuttlecock (or “birdie”) is the definitive projectile used in badminton. Cone-shaped with feathers or synthetic materials attached to its cork or rubber base, its flight pattern will remain cork-first when struck and will remain there until another shot hits it – typically 4.75 to 5.50 grams depending on weight and material composition.

Though you could build your own badminton court on your own, professional services should be used instead to secure all necessary equipment for this task. At least six meters wide by six meters deep should be left free from obstructions such as walls that could impede playback.


Badminton courts measure their width by measuring the distance between the service line and outer side and back boundary lines; in doubles this spans 17.6 feet while for singles it drops down to 14 feet. A net is placed evenly across the length of the court at 5ft 1in height to evenly divide it and ensure fair play during each shot. Court size plays an integral part in deciding if a shot counts as in or out; its distance from the service line determines how near to it it must pass in order to remain legal; additionally its width helps determines how much room a player can move while playing.

Badminton courts must be high enough for players to clear shots and high serves without colliding with the ceiling, in order to reduce injuries caused by collisions between players running back and forth across the court. No minimum height requirement exists, though.

Badminton courts typically feature wooden bases covered by synthetic mats that offer great bounce, relieving stress on the knees. These surfaces are used at top-class venues and professional matches alike; moreover, these mats feature anti-slip properties to reduce injuries when falling while playing.

Grass surfaces may not be widely popular, but they make for the perfect playing surface when it comes to outdoor badminton. Their durable nature provides a good surface to play on, though maintenance requirements and weather damage risks must be carefully considered. Unfortunately, grass surfaces cannot be used indoors in wintertime games primarily played during that period.

Badminton tournaments typically use synthetic courts made of polyethylene and PVC that offer superior bounce, traction and non-slipperiness as well as long-term durability.

Badminton net height is determined by the poles that support it; typically 1.55 meters (5 feet and 1 inch) away from the court surface and 1.524 meters (5 feet) in its center.


Badminton is an accessible sport enjoyed by players of varying skill levels; therefore it’s crucial for them to understand how the height of the court impacts the game. According to badminton rules, courts should be below waist level so as not to cause shoulder or back injuries when hitting shuttlecocks high up into the air; additionally they should provide comfortable height for players of all sizes.

Badminton courts typically feature synthetic surfaces designed to provide excellent bounce and reduce injury risks, though many facilities also utilize wooden and acrylic surfaces, both of which offer great bounce while not offering shock absorption similar to synthetic surfaces.

A badminton court measures 13.4 meters long by 6.1 meters wide, divided into various areas by centre lines, short service lines, outer side and back lines and the centerline itself. These serve lines mark the border between left and right service courts while 1.98 meters away from the net is short service line with 0.72 meters from net being part of doubles game boundaries.

Ideally, when playing badminton, the shuttle should land within its service boundaries. If it lands outside these lines, it will be considered “long” and can result in points for your opponent. Furthermore, note that when hitting up underarm, this shuttle cannot be hit like a tennis serve – rather it must hit in an upward and underarm motion to maintain momentum and ensure consistent bounce-back from its landing point.

Badminton courts typically feature different markings to differentiate doubles and singles play, and their full width of 20 feet when used for doubles play drops to 17 feet for singles games, accommodating different rules of badminton for each type of play.

Badminton court height is an integral aspect of the game and should ideally measure at 5’1″ (1.6 meters). This minimum height will enable players to perform all necessary shots including lifts and clears without risking shoulder or back strain, among other injuries. Furthermore, spectators can watch without being interrupted during their viewing experience.

Line marking

Badminton courts feature lines to demarcate their playing area, marking its boundaries clearly and easily seen – ideally colored white or yellow for easy visibility – while being 40 millimeters wide to correspond with standard shuttlecock feather size and serve a vital purpose in determining inbound or outbound shots, service lines, as well as marking where players may unintentionally collide when playing. Line markings must be durable yet nonslip so as to prevent players from accidentally colliding while competing.

Badminton courts are typically divided into areas dedicated to singles and doubles gameplay, respectively. For singles matches, court width is usually reduced to 17 feet while doubles games use the long service line at the back boundary as their long service line; serves must land within 2.5 feet closer to the net in order for them to count as inbounds serves.

As well as short and long service lines, other line markings necessary for official play include three-point lines, lane lines and foul shot lines. These markings help ensure that the game is played fairly while following all rules; additionally they protect players by helping prevent injuries by keeping players from colliding during gameplay.

Additionally, officials play an integral part in upholding governing body standards by helping players understand and enforce the rules of the game as they make accurate judgments on plays, calls and violations. Furthermore, officials help reduce player injuries by clearly delineating boundaries within which to play.

Court markings must also be properly spaced to prevent collisions between players during play. Baselines should be spaced at least 10 feet apart with no more than six yards between empty space on sides – this helps keep games moving quickly while limiting injuries. Furthermore, service courts should have at least 8-foot space between each court.