No matter if it’s an old grip you need to replace or thickening up a new one, having well-wrapped grip tape around it is key for improving racket handling. Badminton grip tape provides a comfortable feel, absorbs perspiration and shock efficiently and gives your fingers something to grab onto.
Badminton grip tape comes in various forms – from soft cotton towel grips to thin and tacky overgrip tape – so learn how you can use this gripping medium for increased comfort and control during play.
Overgrips are thin layers of material applied over existing grips or replacement grips to further customize their feel and customise your racquet’s playing experience. Overgrips come in various textures and designs that add depth and personalization, from sweat-absorbing material to tacky finishes for hand slippage prevention and special features like finger grooves for additional comfort. Overgrips may be especially beneficial to players prone to blisters as they help alleviate hand fatigue during play.
Overgrips are commonly used on modern racquets as an extra grip layer over the original black manufacturer’s grip; however, they may also be applied directly onto the handle of the racquet. Installing overgrips at home or a local sports store requires removing their protective plastic covering and using tape provided with it to adhere it securely to the racquet handle – typically every few games for competitive players and several weeks for casual users.
Wilson RZR Dri or Yonex Tourna overgrips can be great solutions for players prone to blisters as they can absorb excess sweat while making your hand more comfortable in the racquet. These types of overgrips should typically be changed more frequently due to their sweat-absorbing capabilities.
Once an overgrip has been secured, it should be shaken to help evenly spread it across the handle and prevent over-tightening, which can cause pain and discomfort for players. A thin amount of glue may be applied as necessary in order to help secure its position on the grip.
Overgrips should be applied in a diagonal pattern starting at the butt cap of the handle and working up towards its throat. Once wrapped, mark a line along its edge using pen or pencil so as to identify where the overgrip should stop wrapping before using tape that came with it to secure this area and trim away any extra overgrip at its end so as to prevent unraveling.
Towel Grip
Badminton grip tape is an accessory designed to improve the feel of a racket’s handle, offering comfort while also helping prevent slippage and slipage. Available in a range of materials and can be tailored specifically to meet the size and preferences of each individual player, Badminton Warehouse stocks an extensive selection of grip tape options to give your badminton racket the optimal experience.
Yonex Dry Grip is a popular option that absorbs perspiration while improving racket handling. Constructed of durable rubber-like material that can be adjusted to suit individual hand sizes and comes in various colors that complement any aesthetic preference.
Yonex Towel Grip is an ideal choice for people with sweaty hands. Crafted with thick towel-like material that absorbs sweat quickly and comfortably. Plus, its soft feel makes for enjoyable gaming sessions!
It’s simple and quick to install, suitable for use both with and without an undergrip, and comes highly recommended by Yonex players. The AC-402EX Towel Grip is also an excellent option for players needing extra absorbency and comfort as its dense cotton construction makes it more absorbent than other towels; and designed to fit smaller handles found on badminton, squash and pickleball racquets.
Finding the appropriate grip tape is vitally important to any badminton player, whether absorbent or hard. Badminton Warehouse offers a selection of both absorbent and hard-grip grip tapes – visit us now to discover your perfect racket grip!
To replace a worn grip, start by unwinding and removing the old tape from its handle. Next, peel back about 5-6 inches of paper or cellophane backing from your new grip tape before beginning wrapping it in an incline according to your dominant hand (if left-handed, wrap towards right). When you reach the top of the handle cut diagonally across and apply it directly onto grip – repeat these steps on other side – racket is ready!
Polyurethane Grip
Our Polyurethane grip features a thin coating of polyurethane which gives our grip an ideal tacky feel while absorbing perspiration from your hand. This helps prevent it from slipping for maximum control.
This coating typically lasts 2-3 years before needing replacing, and you can tell when its time to do so when its smell deteriorates, peels or flakes off, or loses its tacky quality.
Meridian Laboratory also offers custom molded ML6 precision polyurethane grips as an addition to our standard offerings, making an extremely tough, long-term solution. Rubber pieces glued onto surfaces simply don’t offer this level of toughness that our ML6 precision polyurethane offers – unlike rubber adhesives glued directly onto materials for use as gripper fingers, jaws, workholdings or clamps can.
Installing the new grippy involves tilting your racket slightly and gently sliding the nipple of the grip over the butt end of your shaft. Once this step is completed, quickly bring it parallel with the ground and slide all of the grip to ensure that its butt cap sits against that butt end of your shaft – using your finger’s butt to cover any vent holes in its butt cap; seal any vent hole on its butt cap using your finger’s butt and squirting an abundance of odorless mineral spirits inside both ends for best results!
Replacement Grip
If you prefer something a bit more durable than an overgrip, replacement grips are an ideal solution. They feature thicker padding designed to replace the original grip found on badminton rackets. With firmer feeling grips that last longer and improved firmness for advanced players looking to up their game. Although more costly than overgrips, replacement grips offer superior durability.
Most replacement grips feature adhesive backings to secure them to the handle of their racquet and come in various textures to meet every player’s individual needs. Ribbed replacement grips are great for people who sweat heavily as they offer absorbency; leather and foam options may also be suitable. Some models even come equipped with pre-made finger holds for enhanced hand positioning and improved gripping strength.
To install a replacement grip, first remove and clean the area where it will be located. Peel away plastic covering and place smaller portion on bottom handle of handle. Wrap racquet around with this grip overlapping edges slightly for best results; trim excess and add grip collar for extra security.
If your racquet has a stand-length grip, most replacement grips should fit it seamlessly. However, for extended length grips you must ensure they cover enough length – most grips range between 19 mm (3/4 to slightly over one inch in thickness).
When selecting a grip, comfort should always come first. Slippery grips will compromise control and result in missed shots; professional players often switch their overgrips out at least every month in order to stay one step ahead of their competition while improving technique, accuracy, and avoiding injuries.