Fun Tennis-Themed Board Games for Family Night

Tennisthemed board games for a fun family night

Family night can be an invaluable opportunity to reconnect with your children, particularly older teens who can feel overwhelmed by daily life’s hectic pace.

The game play of CardClash resembles tennis with short points and long “rallies” of multiple card plays, yet its serve feature feels anticlimactic and takes away from its tennis theme.

Set & Match

Don your sneakers, roll up your ankle-high socks and slide your headband onto your head – it’s time for tennis! But don’t fret if you lack the speed or agility to run across the court for an impressive backhand shot – with Philippe Latarse’s Set & Match you can still experience all the joy of tennis – plus possibly score some points along the way!

The board resembles a tennis stadium and features zones with point values from 0-3. Each player flicks his ball pawn into one of these zones to accumulate stroke points on a track along the side of the court; the first player to reach its end wins this mini game; however, other players may lose points by missing shots that didn’t cross to their opponent’s side or by serving an illegal serve.

Set & Match is a fast-paced and engaging board game suitable for players of all ages – including adults. Setup takes less than three minutes, and one player can easily enjoy this one-person experience, but at the same time provides solid strategy and tactical thinking practice – perfect as a break from more taxing family game night rotations!

Another stand-out aspect of this game is its Covid-19-friendly rules. Since points-based gameplay (four points win a game, six games a set and two or three sets wins the match) ensure that each point ends with its respective server to prevent exposure to coronaviruses while continuing play without risk of exposure.

While the theme and rules are solid, some minor aspects of gameplay could be improved. For example, the serve feature feels somewhat anticlimactic when starting mini games; an alternative would be for each player to place one Ball Token upon receiving their serve to add some drama and tie more closely into its overall theme of the game.

Tennis Balls

Tennis is an engaging game that demands dexterity, gross motor and fine motor skills, teamwork and cooperation among its participants. Here are a few games featuring tennis balls which can help reinforce these attributes while providing fun activities for kids and adults.

Foam material designed specifically for tennis may be difficult to come by, but there are some options available. Low compression balls often referred to as pressureless or eco-friendly tennis balls may offer similar experiences albeit without as much bounce and without being pressurized; yet still provide a similar sensation of playability.

These tennis balls may be ideal for beginner tennis players who don’t wish to worry as easily about their balls becoming flat, while casual players looking for more affordable alternatives. You can purchase packs or individual balls, in various sizes.

Foam tennis balls have become increasingly popular. Not requiring inflation and taking spin well, these durable tennis balls come in various colors for added variety.

These eco-friendly tennis balls come in packs of 18 that include a mesh storage bag. Made from recycled rubber, these tennis balls will last longer for those who plan on only occasionally playing tennis.

Some may be mislead into thinking the numbers on tennis balls represent something about their quality or pressure; in actuality, these numbers simply allow manufacturers to identify different types of balls – for instance Wilson US Open balls might be designated with 1, while Wilson Aces might have 2. This helps players choose which ball to pick when competing on courts adjacent to one another.

BOOM Cards

Boom Cards are digital, self-checking task cards that work on tablets, computers and interactive whiteboards. Easy to use and no printing or cutting cards is required! Great for centers, independent work, tutoring or whole group activities as well as assessment. Plus they’re gamified so your students will more likely complete them! And as a teacher you save planning time with no marking required and the data gathered informs instruction according to student understanding of content.

Boom Cards offers various choices when it comes to using it: from free accounts with limited features or paid membership with extensive student reporting capabilities to decks that can be downloaded without membership fees and used immediately.

As part of your membership, you can both create your own decks and use ready-made ones stored online via Boom Learning’s website and app. Decks contain questions that cover specific topics; Fast Play links make assigning decks to students quick and simple while others may provide instantaneous feedback or score after submission; reports tab provides this data.

Your library of decks will also be at your fingertips, organized by category and regularly updated – offering an abundance of genres appropriate for any classroom environment.

The Family Deck of Kindness Cards (#21 in the image above) are an engaging way for families to teach about performing acts of kindness. Each card comes equipped with its own ID that enables tracking its progress on Boom Cards website’s map; furthermore there are discussion cards included to encourage conversations among family members and strengthen bonds of family togetherness.

Game Set Match

Game Set Match is an engaging family board game that beautifully brings together numerous elements to produce an enjoyable experience. It combines short games that are easy to play together as a family with longer tactical matches that challenge players more skillfully and strategically. Furthermore, this game employs an innovative scoring mechanism reminiscent of tennis scoring systems – adding tension while keeping its feel real!

The game centers around a Momentum track resembling a tennis stadium, featuring 19 spaces numbered 0-9. Each mini game, one of the two player tokens will race around this track tallying values from any cards or Ball Tokens played during that round – the highest value will score a point! Additionally, cards include flavor text that reference different shots like backhand, defensive lob, or overhead smash shots for added realism and style.

As soon as it’s time to switch games, the player ahead on the Stroke Point tracker should declare “stroke point” before beginning their next shot, giving any trailing player an opportunity to catch up and potentially seize control of the set. Once someone wins six stroke points and wins their set; otherwise a special tiebreaker game may be used instead.

This board game set is the ideal solution for families seeking an enjoyable night of games together. With three simple yet enjoyable titles included, and packaged in an attractive box suitable for display on coffee tables or bookshelves, this board game set provides all that’s necessary for an engaging night of competition!