Badminton racket grip tape may become worn and slipperier after an intense game of badminton. Luckily, it’s simple to regrip your badminton racket for comfortable gameplay again.
Start by untaping your old grip, unraveling a new one and wrapping it based on which hand dominates (left-handed players may need to switch them). Finally, cut diagonally when reaching the top of the handle.
1. Remove the old grip
Badminton playing can wear down your racket handle over time, rendering it unsafe and uncomfortable to hold. Luckily, it’s relatively straightforward to regrip your racket back to comfortable playing condition.
Before beginning this process, make sure that your racket is free of old grip material and residue; using a disinfectant wipe may help. When ready, locate and peel away the tape securing your current grip; this will expose its adhesive surface so you can unravel it and unravel your old grip material.
Next, examine your new overgrip to ensure it fits as intended based on length and shape. Depending on your personal preference, double-sided tape may help keep it secure during play; though not strictly necessary.
Once your overgrip is long enough and has the appropriate shape, remove its paper or cellophane backing by peeling away from its bottom edge. Begin to wrap the grip around your handle beginning at its butt cap (counter-clockwise if right handed; clockwise for lefties) until reaching the top of your handle; check that its tight.
After finishing the wrap, cut away any extra overgrip with scissors. Be wary not to cut too deeply as this can cause unraveling and shifting of the overgrip; once complete use electrical tape to secure it to the handle.
If electrical tape is unavailable, rubber bands may also work, though their effectiveness and tackiness often wears away over time. Once your overgrip has been installed, enjoy your newly-regripped racket! Make sure to change it regularly (particularly if competing competitively or comfort and tackiness start diminishing) for optimal results and don’t forget the court – your new overgrip will help enhance your game!
2. Unravel the grip
Badminton grip tape is an important part of your racket and it’s wise to regularly update or change it for maximum performance. In fact, many players opt to swap out their overgrip once every month! To do this, remove your old grip and start fresh by switching out its tape with new one; when finished keep it aside for use later.
To ensure the grip will adhere securely to your racquet handle, it is a good idea to sand both the shaft and base of the handle. This will remove any glue residue, providing a clean surface on which to secure your grip. Just be wary not to oversand as excessive sanding weakens wood and makes it more likely for breaks or splits in its wood structure.
Once the shaft has been sanded, the next step is unraveling your new grip. Be careful when doing this so you don’t create any creases or tears in the grip tape – then carefully place one end at an downward angle on the handle of your racquet – once positioned you can begin wrapping.
Yonex Super Grap is an exceptional lightweight grip tape designed to improve grip on racquets. Moreover, its tacky surface helps users improve their hold on them and absorb perspiration to improve handling capabilities and maximize racket handling capabilities.
Yonex offers three other grip options that may suit different players: Towel Grip is similar to Super Grips but features an added cushion center strip for shock absorption and comfort; Wave Grip comes equipped with a textured cloth surface to offer additional cushion and shock absorption; while there’s the Yonex Wave Grip that features comfortable cushioned gripping surface which may help improve their game.
As you work your way upward, overlap previous layers slightly so the new grip stays securely in place. At the top of the racquet handle, cut any excess tape diagonally before leaving it to dry completely before playing your racquet again.
3. Wrap the new grip
Grip tape is an integral component of every racket, providing comfort, tackiness, cushioning and optimal racket handling. There are various grip tape options available and each has unique qualities which may benefit certain players more than others – Yonex Dry Grip can absorb perspiration while Yonex Wave Grip features a cushioned center strip which improves comfort and tackiness.
Once you’ve selected the appropriate grip, it’s time to begin wrapping! Start at the base and overlap your original grip by an approximate 1/4-inch amount (and make sure it remains tight without becoming uncomfortable). Securely wrap the overgrip with tape.
Unhook the old grip from its handle using tape. Most grips come equipped with paper layers and transparent plastic films to protect their sticky surface; do not remove these at this time.
Once the overgrip is in place, locate one of the long bevels on the end of the racket handle and press its sticky tip against this long bevel. Starting here allows for even wrapping without it bubbling up too much.
Continue wrapping the overgrip along the length of the handle, making sure to overlap each segment by an equal amount (approximately 1/4 inch). As you approach the end of the handle, check that your overgrip fits securely without running out of length before reaching its intended destination.
Once you’ve finished wrapping the new grip, use disinfectant wipes to clean away any remnants of adhesive left by your old grip. After this step is completed, attach double-sided tape either directly onto the base of the grip or slide it onto the top of the handle – this step may help ensure the new grip stays put! It isn’t required but may help ensure its proper functioning.
4. Secure the grip
Badminton is an exciting and fast-paced game that requires efficient and accurate gripping to be effective. A poor grip could result in bad technique or injury, so learning how to hold your racket correctly is vital for playing successfully and becoming an exceptional player. By practicing correct gripping technique, your badminton games will improve as will developing appropriate techniques to become an exceptional badminton player.
Step one is finding the appropriate badminton grip tape for your playing style and level of experience. There are various kinds of grip tape available; it is essential that you select one that will complement both. Some varieties are designed to wick away sweat and absorb shock; while thicker options provide additional cushioning.
When choosing a new badminton grip tape, make sure it is constructed of quality materials and fits your hand correctly. A quality grip should fit snugly, yet allow enough freedom of rotation or flicking of your racquet for flicking or rotating purposes; additionally it should feel soft against your palm for increased wrist flexibility.
Once you have found the ideal badminton grip tape, it is time to apply it to your racket handle. Begin by carefully unwrapping and unrolling it – checking that there are no creases or tears before peeling back some protective film from its back to reveal its adhesive surface, which should adhere securely.
When wrapping a new grip, be sure to follow the ridges of the grip tape and pull with light pressure for an even and wrinkle-free wrap. This will ensure an evenly applied wrap.
Stick the end of your grip securely to its surface using the sticker provided, to keep it from slipping during play and take your badminton game to new heights! Practice switching among different grips as often as possible so you’re prepared when changing quickly when needed during a match.